Terry has bounced around writing prequels and sequels to the original trilogy, and that has caused some confusion to new readers. The list for rereading the series based on the books chronologically.

I remember the first time that I read the Heritage series I was thrown for a loop more than once, and it made for a great reading experience. The reasoning for this is that there are some spoilers in the series, and if you read them in any order except by order of release you may spoil a twist. The list for new readers is based on the order they were released. There are two lists compiled by Terry as to recommended reading orders. After Heritage he rarely wrote a standalone book, with the exception of First Druid. The original 3 books became the first trilogy (The Sword of Shannara, The Elfstones of Shannara, The Wishsong of Shannara), and it was the Heritage Series when he started using multiple books to complete plots.

Terry Brooks wrote the Shannara Universe in sets. Since /u/dread_pirate_wesley already posted the page I would tell you to look at I will expound upon the page that you will visit, if you have not already.