Considering how powerful this weapon is, you will find yourself effortlessly battling past enemies with a few clicks. This is pretty much all you need to know about the best Rivers of Blood Katana build guide in Elden Ring. Erdtree’s Favor – This talisman increases your maximum stamina, HP, and equip load too.Carian Filigreed Crest – Use this talisman to significantly reduce FP consumption for skills.This also gives you nearly 40% of increased damage for your Katana, when used in combination with the Lord of Blood’s Exultation Talisman. Rotten Winged Sword Insignia – This particular talisman enhances your attack power with consecutive attacks.Lord of Blood’s Exultation – This particular talisman enhances your attack power.However, if you have a level lower than 150, you can feel free to reduce some points from Mind and Endurance. These stats are preferably for a player with a level of 150. You can keep everything else at Base level.

You need to fight and defeat the said NPC, after which you will receive the Rivers of Blood Katana. Once here, you will come face to face with Okina, an NPC. Once at this region, you need to go past the frozen lake and towards the Church of Repose towards the south. This region is pretty close to the end of the game’s main story. Read More: How to get the Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring While Horizon Forbidden West received a lot of positivity for its beautiful visuals and. In order to acquire the Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring, you need to progress to the Mountaintops of the Giants region. Location of Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring

Reduced performance when used continuously, but increased travel distance on light equip load as well. Quick Step buffed to be used more frequently in succession, increasing its ability to circle an enemy.Decreased travel distance and invincibility frames of Ash of War, Bloodhound Step, while adding reduced performance when used continuously, but increasing the travel distance when on light equip load.Increase the range of Glintstone Pebble and Glintstone Dart while decreasing damage and stagger power.Increased hitbox of Cipher Pata’s weapon skill Unblockable Blade.- Increased rolling distance when a player has a light equip load.- Increased Guard Counter’s motion speed.- Increased the motion speed of strong attack and charge attack.- Reduced the time it takes to be able to roll after an attack.Greatsword, Curved Greatsword, Great Axes and Great Hammers Buffs.